Sunday 20 October 2019

Sat, 19th Oct, 2019 Bob & Margaret’s place, Florida Beach, near Mandurah, WA

Warmer morning. Margaret and I headed off to check out some of the garage sales in the area which are part of a huge Garage Sale Trail. It reminded me of all the garage sales we went to with Erica when she visited – the kids being the winners with all the ‘treasurers’ they would find. Also you get to explore the sub-divisions etc.

We went back for a cuppa with Bob then we all headed off to check out more garage sales around Falcon. I found some more books for Steve since he has started enjoying reading a novel. Margaret and Bob will go up and join him when I fly home so they can take the books up for me.

Jon rang, he was with Benjie getting ready for his wedding today – Jon is best man. I spoke to Benjie and wished him and his new wife all the best. The photographer had arrived and it sounded like they were having a good time.

Steve rang as he noticed he had phone reception again. He is feeling better but isn’t pushing himself too hard. He went detecting and was rewarded with a few little bits of gold. He will move camp to be closer to where he found the gold but probably won’t have phone reception there. He will ring again on Wednesday when he goes into Cue to move camp to Webb’s Patch.

Back home for a late lunch. Relaxed reading our books for the afternoon.

After a cuppa Margaret and I went for our daily walk on the path by the beach. No wind today so we didn’t need a jumper. Nice view across the golf course which runs alongside Florida Beach. Lots of people on the beach trying to catch a fish. Much nicer since the other days the wind was howling and we had our jumpers zipped up against the cold.

There are heaps of kangaroos around, just like Woodgate. This poor girl has a heavy load.

Margaret’s lovely flowers.

I tried ringing my cousin, Judy but no answer so sent her a text. Her husband, Richard’s, father hasn’t been well so just wanted to pass on my wishes. She texted back later on that it has been a very tiring time for them all.

Malcolm rang – he was at his beach house enjoying the lovely weather, ha ha 12 degrees. He said they have only had a couple of spring days of over 20 degrees so the crops aren’t growing well.

I walked back to the beach to watch my last south WA sunset. Still didn’t need a jumper. Nice frame around the sun.

There was a little line of cloud on the horizon but it still was a lovely sunset.

Margaret cooked steak for dinner – nice and tender and a lot cheaper that the $110/kg Wagu beef fillets we saw at the Farmer’s Market. Fancy paying that much.

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