Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tues, 12th July, 2022 Kimberley Entrance Caravan Park, Derby to Bush camp in Oscar Range near Fitzroy Crossing, WA

7am 15 degrees - much better. Days are warming up too though, 30 max. The police drove around the van park a couple of times before we went to bed and probably through the night which is great. Sad times that we have to lock ourselves up instead of the criminals being locked up.

Internet signal better so started uploading some blog but only got one day done - well it was a big one from El Questro!

Packed up and headed over to Woolies to get some fresh fruit and veg. Unfortunately we have to wait till 12 for BWS to open so we had a cuppa and waited. I got some more blog uploaded. Bought a chook and buns and had lunch in the camper in the car park. Interesting watching everyone buzzing about. Needed our licences to buy grog. No cask wine so I had to buy bottles and you are only allowed 1 bottle of spirits per day so Steve just got 1 rum as I got a Vodka to try with lime juice and our soda stream instead of the wine. These rules are to curb the locals but they can just come in every day and get it while the travellers are restricted as we are just here for a day or two and it doesn’t seem to making much difference to the ‘locals’ behaviour! Halls Creek only have very light beer - no spirits or wine at all.

Had a cuppa then topped up the diesel $2.61L. Hit the road again at 3pm. 540km to Halls Creek but it is all bitumen. Turned off the Derby Highway onto the Great Northern Highway and spotted the big boab we parked beside in Dec 2019 on our hot drive home.

Clear sky and gusty wind which won’t help the fuel economy. Heading in the right direction this afternoon as the sun is behind us.

Through a set of hills - I probably took photos of these in 2019 but I couldn’t resist this one with the moon beside it.

Continued through flat pastoral land with boabs, ant hills and trees and we spotted some cattle. As the sun set behind us we turned onto Leopold Downs Road (goes up to Tunnel Creek etc) and drove 11km through limestone rocks of Oscar Range to the camp spot in an old quarry site.

There were about 10 other campers here so a popular rest stop. Found a spot with the moon shining down on us as the sunset colours swept over the trees.

Cool outside but the camper was nice and warm from being closed up.


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