Tuesday 20 August 2024

Fri, 16th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy to ‘Jurassic Park’ Escarpment, Central Arnhem Road, NT (10 years on the road)

It has been 10 years since we said farewell to family and friends on the Cairns Esplanade this afternoon. We have had a wonderful time and still enjoying it. The beauty of our country and the amazing people we have met make it very special. We are very fortunate to be able to live like this.

Another beautiful clear blue sky morning. The Tassie gang headed off early as they still had to get fuel and pump up their tyres. We packed up - said bye to the neighbours. The Vics are heading off today so we might see them along the road.

Waited on the edge of town for the others then we all headed back to the airport intersection then back onto the gravel Central Arnhem Road for the 675km back to the Stuart Highway then back to Katherine.

Ron and Jenny were leading and had passed a van then Mike and Anne eventually got passed but as it was nearly cuppa time we pulled up at the lovely green grass station and had our cuppa. The others continued on.

Back on the road again. We came to a straight section and saw Ron & Jenny’s car on the left and Mike & Anne’s on the other side at an angle so we thought something terrible had happened. It wasn’t thank goodness - just a leaking tyre. They had pulled up behind each other for a break and Ron noticed Mike’s driver’s tyre looked flat. They thought it was the angle they were parked on hence they drove to the other side and it was flat - only 12lb when it should have been 25lb. They couldn’t find any leaks so Mike thinks it might be the tyre sensor was letting air out. It wasn’t working either so didn’t tell them it was deflating.

Turned off onto the old road and down to Rocky Bottom Creek crossing to have lunch. As we arrived a tag-along group were coming the other way. We pulled in by the creek and enjoyed watching the little fish in the water. Ron and Jenny had missed the turn off so they stayed up on the main road after crossing the new bridge.

Across the creek and then back up to the main road again. Lots of smoke hanging in the trees from the burn offs around the area.

Across the 3 bridges over the Goyder River - they have fixed the big hole in the bridge which is good. The old road down to the river is blocked off but there is a side road around it but we didn’t go down.

Ron and Jenny got a flat which was definitely flat so out with the plugs and 8 later then got it pumped up. Sadly some idiots have no curtesy and zoomed passed us at high speed. Jenny noticed one of Mike’s spotlights was laying on the bullbar so he was able to save it and put new bolts in it.

Back on the road again. Passed Barrapunta then found the grader driving along the edge after completing a grade of the road.

More country is burning. Onto the ungraded section - rough corrugations.

Must be back where the buffalo roam as there are huge poo piles on the road. Saw a dead buffalo off the road side with huge horns but we didn’t stop to take a photo.

Caught up with the others at Bulman Community. Ron was putting more air in his tyre and was thinking about changing it but decided to keep going just as we put the kettle on. We let them continue on as we will catch up with them eventually.

Passed Weemol with the beautiful thermal pool. We were lucky to have been told about by the ranger. The permits are all about not allowing us to stop in communities etc but when you do the people are happy to chat with you.

Back through the rough limestone rocky area - don’t think the grader can make this any better.

Spotted some buffalo and a very skinny cow. Further on a heap more buffalo by the road who weren’t worried about us driving past at all.

Across Mainoru Creek and we found the others at the Outstation Store getting some fuel - we didn’t need any this time. Ron decided to change his tyre but they wanted to keep driving on to ‘Jurassic Park’ so we headed off and left them to it as we are travelling a lot slower than they are this time - no rush to get anywhere now as we can’t pick up our parcel (thermostat thing for the truck fridge) till Monday - well we hope it is there - Ebay says 20th which is Tuesday.

Through ‘tombstone’ valley with so many white ant hills with cattle meandering through them.

Into Conways Station where the buffalo were hogging the road.

Then a few donkeys did the same thing but got off before I got a photo. Wildlife seen today - 1 red roo, black cockatoos, crows, donkeys, buffalo and cattle.

Up the bitumen jump-up then along to the parking area at ‘Jurassic Park’ escarpment. Still looks lovely.

A young couple were having a drink and enjoying the view. They looked like they had been fighting fires. They said they were from Conways Station. They are the only one there at the moment and were trying to stop the fire further along from spreading more - not sure who lit it! They have been here 20 months but the station has recently change ownership so they are moving on to another station. They love the area and the cattle bred here are very healthy. They catch the buffalo too. Donkeys are the pest as they smash through the fences where the buffalo lift the wire and go under and cattle just know not to worry about getting over a fence. She was from Albany having had experience with horses and she loves this lifestyle. He is from Derby, WA.

We backed the camper in to enjoy the view. I forgot to take a camp photo as we were chatting too much.

The others arrived and the young couple headed back to the station to get their dinner.

We had dinner overlooking the basin, listening to the donkey going on again. Spotted a few satellites zoom across between the trees.

Perfect end to our Arnhem Land adventure.

Inside for a game of cards and a cuppa.

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