Thursday 22 August 2024

Sun, 18th Aug, 2024 King River Rest Area, south of Katherine to Emungalan gravel pit, north of Katherine, NT (Steve & Amanda’s birthdays)

Cooler morning, 16 degrees.

Another year old and getting closer to pension age!! Amanda having a special birthday as she, David, Brad and Ben have flown over to England to see Ella. Sent her a message to celebrate well and we will be looking forward to all the photos.

Terry rang to wish Stephen a great day so we had a lovely chat with him. He heard that Alby had passed away so I will message Ann to pass on our condolences. Sad but it is a relief for the family as he had been having lots of falls and his dementia had taken hold. He is in a better place now. Ann responded - they will be having a private cremation and the family will scatter his ashes at Woodgate like we did with Erica.

Lots of nice messages coming for for Steve and for our wedding anniversary after I had put up the photos on Facebook of our beautiful sunset.

Found a nice shady tree to park under as it will get to 35 degrees today. Stocked up on all the non-perishables and some meat for our trip across to WA. Will have to buy fruit and veg when we get to Kununurra due to the quarantine conditions.

After lunch we filled up with water at the water station for $1. Then around to Sip’n Save to stock up - no restrictions here so we could get a couple of bottles of spirits. Only one cask of wine a day though and it is only 2 litre for more than the price I would pay for a 5 litre - oh well, lucky I am having Vodka, lime and soda mostly for drinkies.

We headed out to the gravel pit we stayed last time (the others are in the van park). There is a section along the road with these rock ‘walls’.

We went further along the track at the gravel pit area to park in the shade (well sort of) of a tree.

I baked our usual snacks so we were all set for the trip then put a sticky date pudding in to cook for Steve’s birthday dessert. Louis rang for a nice long chat.

Then the chicken pieces went in and I boiled the vegies for a bit and left Steve to roast cook them in the frypan (he does a better job then me). Delicious dinner and even yummier dessert. I do spoil him!

Played Skipbo but didn’t spoil him that much as I won 2 out of 3 games. He has been beating me in the other card games we play.

The ‘wet dirt’ smell is here too - must be to do with the hot day, 35 and the cooler night air, 23.


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