Thursday 15 August 2024

Sat, 10th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy, NT

Our back neighbours headed off this morning.

The others headed out in the boats again. We headed out to the tug jetty again but no joy. The usual story - we should have been here last week! There were lots of little flathead about so Steve rigged up a little line for me to have a play. Got one but the others weren’t interested. Let him go of course.

Back home for a cuppa. Sent Jodie a text to see how she is going. All good, bubby is growing well. Only a couple of weeks to go. 

Annalise sent a video of Beau laying on the couch playing with his toy arch then he started to roll over and luckily the arch stopped him falling off. Will have to play on the ground now. He will be 5 months old tomorrow.

The others came back at lunch with a few more fish.

Relaxing afternoon reading. After a cuppa we headed into town to check out the Twilight Markets (4 to 7) at the Surf Lifesaving Club. Lots of stalls and food outlets. They had live music too. We had a wander around and I bought a fridge magnet done by a local artist - Barbara the Buffalo.

Back home for drinks then we had the rest of the flathead for dinner.

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