Sunday 18 August 2024

Tues, 13th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy, NT (41st wedding anniversary)

A lovely clear sky to start our wedding anniversary day. Up early to join the others for a morning fishing though the sun has beaten us up.

Headed back to the mackerel area and trolled. No birds or bait on the surface but Steve managed to hook up 3 small spaniards and Mike got 2 - none for me. Nothing happened so after a while with the wind coming up a bit we headed across to some rocks. The boys hooked a couple of barracudas that where a good size with very nasty teeth. I caught a small cod at last and then they others got a few more but we let them all go except the last one that Steve caught as it was a bit bigger but we will give it to Mike as you don’t get much off them. Continued around the bay and Mike lost his favourite lure over some rocks then he hooked a nice trevally. We flicked lures for a while and trolled again but no joy. The others joined us - they had caught a few macks too. Headed back into a calmer bay to fillet the fish (which we dropped in deeper water) then headed back home for lunch.

I cleaned up our mackerel fillets and got 3 meals so we are happy with that. The fishing has been what we expected but we have had fun and the sightseeing outwayed the fishing any case. We thanked Mike and Anne for letting us go in their boat and washed the life jackets and returned them to Ron and Jenny as we won’t go out again. They will go fishing to the last day but we have had enough.

I put a stew in the Ecopot for dinner tonight for our sunset dinner at Middle Beach.

Steve worked on his ‘log’ shovel handle. Terry will be proud of his effort.

The others headed off into town and to have a dip in Goanna Lagoon as they haven’t be out and about as much as us.

After a cuppa Terry rang to wish us a happy anniversary - so sweet of him. My calander on the wall in the kitchen has worked well. Steve told him about the shovel and he said ‘well it is over 40 years old’ as he had it when he worked in the Forestry. He had a lovely but cold time with David etc at Woodgate. Today it is pouring with rain in Bundaberg.

We packed our drinks etc and headed down the Golf Club Road to Middle Beach. Set up on the high bank in the shade of the tree to wait for the sun to set behind East Woody Island.

The world tilted with the kiss!

Had our drinks then went for a walk along the beach. Great shadow.

It is good that it is low tide as I will need to go down to the water to get the sun set beside the island. There is a bit of smoke in the air from the burn offs so the sun is a big orange ball.

Walked down to the water’s edge with another lady who comes every night to photograph the sunset. Beautiful. There is a range further over the sun isn’t going to go splash in the water! Going Going Gone.

Dished up our dinner and watched the sky change colours and the waves roll onto the beach.

Only a couple of midgies which was good. Lots of other people have come down to exercise themselves and their dogs.

Headed back home. Practice night at the BMX track - Jon would be impressed with the track - very flash.

Home by 7pm for a couple of games of Skipbo - I won. Some ice cream and a movie to finish off a lovely day.

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