Thursday 15 August 2024

Fri, 9th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy, NT

Sophia is 5 months old today - how the time has flown.

Mike and Anne went out in the boat this morning. Ron and Jenny had a sleep-in. We went back to the tug jetty.

Steve got a Remora but nothing else. I got another flathead but a bit smaller this time - oh well at least it is an edible fish.

The tide was coming in fast so we went back towards town and down past the Golf Course to try at Wirrawuy Beach.

No joy there but it was lovely watching the waves rolling in. The Bremer Island ferry came past hugging the coast then headed out into the lumpy water across to the island. We were going to go but it’s $180 each and it is just another island.

Back home by 11 so Steve did a repair job on the cupboard above the stove. It had dropped a bit but a few screws later it was all good again. I cleaned the windows and the blinds as they will be open more now we are staying in the warm country now. The temperature here as been perfect, still have the flannelette sheets on but will change them before we leave as it will be a lot hotter as we head across to the top end of WA.

The wind changed direction and is bringing big clouds across. One even dropped a few drops of rain as it passed over us.

After lunch I did my usual baking and Steve fixed the door seal. The rubber had shrunk around the ‘window’ part and was letting some dust in. All sealed now.

Fran sent a photo of Sophia trying to hold her bottle - she is very independent and doesn’t need Mummy or Daddy’s help apparently.

Mike and Anne came back at 2pm with a few fish - small mackerel, cod and coral trout so they are happy to have some fish to try. They had tried jigging for live bait but they all got smashed off - probably from mackerel zooming around under the live bait. He also lost two of his good lures so these fish are starting to get expensive. As they say it is all about the experience.

We had a quiet afternoon reading and catching up on my blog. Our back neighbours came back from Macassan Beach - they were over being in the tent in the wind but otherwise it was good. Saw a turtle come up and lay her eggs and a buffalo go down to the water then walk around the hill base through the water. They also had a visit from a dingo.

Chatted with our Vic neighbours as they had gone across to Bremer Island and said it was a lovely day.

I cooked up the flathead for dinner - very nice.


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