Thursday 15 August 2024

Mon, 12th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy, NT (exploring)

Our first clear sky this morning. The others headed out fishing again. We decided to go exploring instead.

Back out past the airport then right turn to head out to Memorial Park etc on the Central Arnhem Road. There is a track here off to the left that goes to Cape Arnhem which is closed due to the turtles nesting. Straight ahead goes down to Bawaka (Lonely Beach). I had taken a photo of the posters in the campground. This must have been where Greg & Deb had gone and stayed the night and watched the croc being fed.

Reached the start of the Jump Up where we went up to the tower lookout area. The track to Memorial Park is off to the left. It was a long slow narrow track along a ridge line then down the hill with some sections eroded but mostly not bad.

No one was camped there so we had a look around and a cuppa. Great swing.

There is sign and fence - Sacred Site which must be the top pool as there is a sign on the other side too.

Walked down the track for a look.

Walked further out for a better look over the bottom pool. Two waterfalls behind me now.

Put on our togs and headed down for a dip. There is a little pool in the middle section which was clear and the rocks look well worn. Very nice and only a couple of little fish.

Steve went over to the little waterfall.

My turn for a photo.

Another selfie - getting good at these.

If you use your imagination the dark section looks like the top of the dragon head and the sandstone under it his mouth.

Walked further along the rock cliff. Obviously people swim in the bigger bottom pool as there are names carved into the sandstone wall on the other side. Who knows what might be lurking in the water as this is part of Wonga Creek that goes down to the salt water at Port Bradshaw.

Dried off and headed back out. Met two vehicles who were booked in here for two nights. Luckily we met them at a section which had a bypass so no problems passing as the rest of the track doesn’t have any pull off areas.

Steve had been eyeing off the tall straight timbers hoping to find a dead one to make into a shovel handle since his has broken and we haven’t been able to buy one at any of the hardware places along the way. We reached the section where you are allowed to pick up firewood and I spotted a perfect log on the side of the track. Steve said it would work so he put it up under the tray with the shovel.

Continued out and pulled off into the trees as there was a ute stopped on the track. It was some rangers - collecting thin trunks to make into spears. He said that they catch Barramundi in the waterhole and some crocs too, wink wink. We let them pass then we got back on the track and continued on.

Back onto the main road - we only travelled 9km but it took us over a half hour.

Headed back towards Gove. Turned off to check out the Giddy River camping areas. Stopped in a pull-off area and walked down to check out the river.

Pulled into the first one and said hello to those camping there. It was two couples who are in the van park with us but having a couple of days here. They weren’t too impressed as there is a croc cage with dead pig head by the area they would normally use to have a dip. Steve said if it is in the water they could climb in and be safe from crocs! We chatted for a while then headed down to check out the river and the croc cage.

Said bye and continued along the track to the next camp area which had a big parking area on the cliff top. Pulled in to have lunch here as it has an amazing view.

Walked down the track - more views.

Another car pulled up and I chatted with a lady due to have her baby next week. She said they were showing family around and said that Bawaka is an amazing place and you can just visit for the day, just book the permit online $60 each to drive the 40 minute drive down a narrow track. As we have seen beautiful beaches already and I saw the poster I don’t think we will spend $120 on that drive.

Got out our lunch and enjoyed the view trying to spot any barra etc below us. Only saw a few little fish.

Steve got out his lure and had a few casts but nothing was interested.

Along to the 3rd camping site which was further off the track. There is a closed track heading down across the river which I think is the one to Wonga Creek (near the sea water at Port Bradshaw). We didn’t bother walking down.

Turned around and headed back to the main road. Not too far along we turned off to head to Scout Camp. Others had said they had driven in and no one worried about permits. Someone’s dog was taken by a croc last week so I wonder if they have a croc trap here too.

Across the Giddy River (the main road crosses it a bit further along from here). Lots of pandanus and weeds and a croc sign.

This one is a much better road but still only one lane. A vehicle was coming towards us so we pulled off and it was a ranger (white chap) and he asked if we had a permit for this area. We said we had a general one like the sign said as we drove in but he said we need a special permit to drive in here. We said sorry and turned around as he drove out. The others had said it was just more camps by the Giddy River with little pools same as the others we just saw so we haven’t missed anything special. I realised why the road was better as it goes to a couple of communities further along - I think they call them Homelands too.

Down the road a bit to the causeway over the Giddy River. Pulled off beside a big concrete picnic table - sadly more rubbish on the ground. View this side.

Walked across for the view up the river.

We heard a vehicle and it was one of the Variety Bash cars - Mario Bros. There was a sign at the van park that they were coming and staying there for a few days. They have travelled from Crab Claw Island (near Darwin), here for a couple of nights then back up through Jabiru to Lake Bennett (9 day trip). Just after he passed a big truck came around the corner - he was calling them up to let them know he was heading towards them but no one answered.

We went across the causeway then down a track which ran along the edge of the river to a big lagoon.

The track continued but we turned around and headed back to the main road when another Bash car came past. They have done well over the rocky track.

Back down the track to Goanna Lagoon - pool I call it for a dip. We stopped at another marked walking track first but it was just down to a sandy area - good for kids though.

We continued on to the main pool and we had it all to ourselves. Steve’s little fish kept him company - I kept moving my arms to keep them away. The water temp is perfect. It’s a great life - we are so lucky to be able to living it like this.

Back home for a cuppa. More Bash cars slowly arriving - sadly a few on the back of trailers. There will be a few repairs to make over the next couple of days.

Joined the others for drinks. They had a good morning fishing, Mike & Anne got 14 small mackerel and Ron & Jenny got 4 so that will keep them going for a bit.

I cooked one of our mackerel meals tonight - yum.

The Bash people headed off for dinner at the Golf Club as the chef here has been sick so things are quiet again.


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