Sunday 25 August 2024

Wed, 21st Aug, 2024 Saddle Creek Rest Area, E of NT/WA Border, NT to Mary Pool Rest Area, west of Halls Creek, WA

Up at 7am though the sun is still hiding behind the hill. Clear sky, 18 degrees - max of 36 today.

Back on the Victoria Highway heading to the NT/WA Border. 30km out the time changed on my phone - we went back 1.5 hours so now we are ready for breakfast again, haha.

A Jabiru flew off as we crossed a small creek - so beautiful. I only see them standing so it was lovely to see one in flight.

Reached the border, we had done the border photos before. Into WA and the quarantine station for our inspection.

All good except I had peeled my oranges this morning and put them in the freezer. Ok but they had to be frozen before arriving here so we pulled them out and ate them there. That will get me through to our delayed morning tea due to the change in time!!

Continued on to Kununurra and went around to Mitre 10 to check out a new fridge for the truck. They only had Dometic $1499. We had passed a pet shop place that had a sign for Kings (which was the old fridge) so went in and she had one there for sale - well a few as she had just got a shipment in - can’t keep up with the camping gear purchases, she said. $400 for 50L fridge so we grabbed it - our old one was 60L but it is mainly for when we need extra vegies and fruit when going off the grid for a few weeks. Steve swapped them over and the lady said they would dispose of the old one for us.

Around to Coles to get some fruit and veggies. Terrible staff service. One lady opened a checkout but then closed it even after we had been standing there for 10 minutes. When I asked if another one was opened she said she didn’t know - she shouldn’t be here any case!! We went up to the service desk but that lady was no better so we just self-served and got out of there.

Around to the park near Lake Kununurra for a cuppa and to put the food away.

Along to Ivanhoe Road then stopped at the cheap fuel place to fill up (191.9c/l). Continued along the road to check out the crossing over the Ord River though a sign says the crossing is closed. Lots of water in the irrigation channel. Passed mango trees, vegies fields, sandlewood plantations and fields of corn and there must be cotton too as little bits are lining the roadside. Two trucks loaded with rolled cotton passed us heading east earlier.

Drove down the hill and parked.

I can see why the crossing is closed - there is a lot more water coming over compared to when we crossed it in 2022. At least that Bucket List item was done then.

Selfie time.

Back to the Victoria Highway and continued westward. Across the irrigation channel.

Then across the Ord River bridge.

Further along we turned left onto the Great Northern Highway to head to Halls Creek.

Lovely views of long hills to our left - Boyd Range. More sandlewood plantations - must be getting their water from the Dunham River which is betweeen us and the hills.

Lunch stop at Dunham Rest Area. Had a chat with a young chap with a huge computer screen, solar panels and starlink. He was working - heading towards Kununurra where they had an office for his work so he was looking forward to air conditioning. He is having 12 months exploring whilst working.

Across Dunham River. Steve spotted a Jabiru on his side - I keep missing getting a photo.

An Asian chap was riding his bike - it is 36 degrees out there!

Beautiful country through here with all the hills and mountain ranges. Good road too - much better than the Victoria Highway.

Over the wide Bow river with the old bridge below.

A WA Boab.

Long ‘major roadworks’ - they have ripped up the road and redoing it so we are on a gravel side road.

Cuppa at Muluks Rest Area beside Fletchers Creek. There is a causeway that would have been the old road.

A few of the one lane bridges are being replaced with the road works with two way bridges which is good.

Passed the turn off into the Bungle Bungles - heard a truckie says they were grading the road and it was very good at the moment. We loved it in there.

Across the Ord River - wide sandy and lots of trees with only a narrow bit of water.

Muster time at Alice Downs - lots of cattle in the yards just off the road. The stations along the highway have big signs at the start, homestead entrance and other end of their properties which is great. Big distance between the signs I might add.

Across Elvire River then through Halls Creek - sign says Heart of Gold. Cheaper fuel at Fitzroy Crossing so didn’t stop.

Across the dry Laura River then passed Margaret River Station turn off. I googled up the names thinking they might have been named by a pastoralist in the early days. Margaret River was named in 1879 by explorer, Alexander Forrest, during his expedition in the Kimberley area. He named it after his sister-in-law, Margaret Elvire Forrest, wife of his brother John who was the Deputy Surveyor-General at the time. Elvire River was named by Government surveyor, Harry Johnston in 1884, also after Margaret Elvire Forrest. He also named the Mary River after his mother - wasn’t he nice. The Laura River was named in 1884 by George Russell Turner, government surveyor of the Kimberley Survey Expedition. It is thought he named after Laura Eliza Frances Forrest, niece of John Forrest (John went on to become Premier of WA).

Steve slowed for a couple of wedge-tailed eagles that didn’t want to leave their dinner. They like to leave it to the last minute to take off and often get hit.

Then we had to slow for some ‘locals’ meandering across the road.

Across the wide dry Mary River.

Further along we turned onto the bitumen road down to the old road crossing (causeway). Lots of other travellers set up with the cattle meandering about too. We found a spot at the sun started to set behind the trees.

Had our drinks outside in the cooler air as we waited for the breeze to cool down the camper. A few tiny mozzies are about.

The ‘night fall’ birds (which always make me think of Lakefield where I first heard them) sang their songs then a Mopoke started in the tree beside us. Inside the camper tiny little bugs were getting in through the fly mesh after the light. After dinner we turned off the lights and they just buzzed around the back of the TV and died there - why come in!!

All quiet except for an occasional moo from the cattle.

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