Sunday 4 August 2024

Tues, 30th July, 2024 Gravel pit at Emungalan, north of Katherine, NT (Katherine Hot Springs)

Good night’s sleep in the bush. Min of 18 degrees at 7am, clear sky. Lovely breeze.

Bush hair dressing salon opened - I cut Steve’s hair and he coloured mine and trimmed the ends! Saves a lot of money!

Back across the Katherine River (missed the photo - only a narrow stream here with lots of trees) and into Katherine and filled up at the Ufill 24 @ 187.9c/l and it is a big fill up so glad we found a cheaper one.

Filled up the water tanks at the RV Service Centre - where the dump point is and they have a water filling station - only cost $1 but it took a while.

Drove around to the Hot Springs car park and had lunch while we waited for Steve’s doc in Cairns to ring. She was happy to give him anti-inflamtories but suggested if it doesn’t improve to go to a doctor and get checked in case he needs an injection etc.

Decided to get to the chemist first as they are low on staff and things take a while to get processed.

Back to the springs and we walked down the long pathway to the pool at the end of the ‘stream’.

We had a nice soak though it was cool here and watched the local kids backflipping into the pool. Shame someone doesn’t get them into gymnastics or diving - they certainly do it all naturally.

Walked up the stream to the main pool below where the thermal water comes out. We had a good soak in there in 2022 though in March we weren’t looking for hot water! Even today the cooler water was nice as it is over 30 today.

Back up to the car park - nice art work on the ‘cafe’ container.

Down the road a bit then across the Katherine River downstream on the low level bridge.

Around to the van park to say hi to the others. Will meet them tomorrow at the King River Rest Area as we will head into East Arnhem Land on Thursday.

Drove back to the gravel pit and got the same spot as last night. We are enjoying the lovely temperatures now though looking forward to when we both a well again. I am slowly getting there but the sharp pains around the ribs get me at times.

More travellers came in during the evening.

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