Wednesday 14 August 2024

Thurs, 8th Aug, 2024 Manyimi Campground, Gove Boat Club, Nhulunbuy, NT (Dad 3 years)

I saw this post on Facebook and reposted it for Dad, Mum and Erica as I think of them when I look at all the stars. Going out fishing brings back lots of memories of being with Dad.

The others headed out fishing in the boats. We chose to go around to the tug boat jetty and try there as there is a deep gutter on low tide which is early this morning.

The wind came up and nothing wanted to take our bait except for the seagulls. As I was slowly bringing my pilchard back in I got a tug and pulled in a nice flathead so not a total waste.

We tried on the other side of the point but not even the seagulls followed us there!

Watched one of the tug boats further out spraying water everywhere - must be testing their sprayers and pumps.

Back to camp for a cuppa then working on my blog till lunchtime. The others came back with wet bottoms and no fish.

While we were having our lunch under the awning a kingfisher came down and landed on the light by the gate to the beach. As he sat for so long before I got up and got the camera and got some photos.

Drove into town to use the dump point at the oval as they don’t have one here.

Went around to Town Beach which has the surf life saving clubhouse beside it.

On the other side of the clubhouse was a track down to Buffalo Creek. Must only flood on high tides or flood times. Someone did well to drag the shopping trolley down here.

As we headed back we spotted a Bee Eater in the tree and he stayed still long enough for a photo.

Drove back through town then out and turned onto a corrugated gravel road to check out Rainbow Cliff. There was a Y-intersection - left campground, right day use so we went to the day use first. Read the information about the story of the freshwater turtle.

Walked out to the picnic area on the point.

Selfie time with the Rainbow Cliff in the background.

Walked down to the beach and found a beautiful cowrie shell.

Drove back to the intersection and around the base of the hill to the camping areas. They are along the cliff edge - very nice spot but not the best ‘beach’. Now we know what the camp sites are like it would be good to do a couple of days at each area. Maybe another trip one day.

Bremer Island is across from here. There are a few smaller islands too.

Back out via a loop track past the Gun Club and then along to the turn off to another community - Yirrkala.

Drove down through the houses to the war memorial site near the beach. Beside that is a memorial to the HMAS Patricia Cam that we read about on the plaque at the boat ramp. This plaque listed the names. A few were from this area.

Walked out onto the big rock and scanned around. Sadly respect for community isn’t carried out like it says on the sign when we came in.

We drove back to the Buku Arts Centre. Great mural on the store of the leaders who fought for land rights but even that has been vandalised.

Wandered around in the centre - lots of different art works. You can’t take photos but I had this brochure. 

There were lots of painted bark slabs on the walls - we had seen lots of trees missing all their bark along the tracks. Also painted tree trunks - all with very expensive price tags. Other paintings, pots etc. There was two hangings that were painted by the locals when the missionaries were here and they hung in the church. Now they hang here with the story but I can’t remember it all and of course couldn’t take a photo. There was also info about the marriage lines which was interesting to work out - Ian and Goymer explained it to us on the Kimberley Expedition we did.

Another one of the Marika family.

Headed back out to the main road then back down to Goanna Lagoon again for a cuppa and a dip. Shame it wasn’t a bit closer to town. There was only one other couple in the water so we sat and chatted with them. He is working on an island near Wessell Island doing maintenance on the community’s housing - continuous job. She is teaching ex-pats in Indonesia and finds it more rewarding than working in the Australian school system. Interesting lives some people live with their work.

Back home for drinks.

Lovely video of Beau ‘sitting up’ and playing with his toy frame, from Annalise. Jon is still away working.

Had a video link up with Dan, Fran and Sophia which was great as Sophia is 5 months old tomorrow. She has grown so much too and has such a lovely smile.

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