Thursday 10 October 2024

Fri, 4th Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora to Bush camp near old Murrin Murrin townsite, east of Leonora, WA

Min of 11.4 degrees, clear sky, light breeze so we all headed off wandering. I was going to try and get to another shaft but got stopped by a signal just away from camp. It was a lovely little nugget (0.2g) where others had dragged a chain detecting. Unfortunately it was all alone. We all got some exercise at least.

Had a cuppa then packed up and drove back to Leonora to top up the water and dump the toilet and rubbish. A helicopter came over with a big frame thing under it - I think it is from finding mineral deposits. It was mentioned on the video we watched at Gwalia about how they can find areas then they send in the drillers to verify. Amazing.

Headed out the bitumen Leonora-Laverton Road. Passed a sign for the Leonora Pharmacy - ‘Next Pharmacy in Alice Springs, 1666km’ - which is following the Great Central Road which we heard they were trying to get sealed to make another crossing for the trucks etc across the middle of Australia.

We turned off into Malcolm Dam to have lunch. We have had a lot of visits here over the years.

Back on the road to Laverton for 40km to the turn off to Minara Station (back on gravel) then left onto the old Laverton Road, also gravel. Passed the old townsite area of Murrin Murrin then along to a pending area.

There is a cutting through the old railway line and we followed old track till we found a spot we liked. There are 3 pending leases around here. Set up camp.

Went wandering on very ironstone ground with other areas just quartz. 

Got to 25.6 degrees today - forecast says we are in for a few very hot days from Monday. Glad Bob has a big inverter to run his air conditioner.

Drinks outside swatting the flies then we got the fire going and chatted into the evening watching a lot of satellites zoom across the starry sky. Should have counted them as I think we saw more than my record of 23 sightings in one evening.

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