Monday 14 October 2024

Sun, 6th Oct, 2024 Bush camp near old Murrin Murrin townsite, east of Leonora to Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA (Greg’s birthday)

Warming up, only got down to 16 degrees over night with the windows open. Clear sky.

Sent Greg a happy birthday text. He replied, he, Tracy and Matt are with Tim & Taryn in Narrabri. They will then head down to see Katie & Aidan in Canberra.

The chopper is back with its hanging frame so I got some closer photos of it. I wonder what we showed up as on the screen as it passed over us.

Thin cloud coming over now with a light breeze. We wandered out to Mike’s spot and I found his chain marks but no treasures for us, just lots of exercise.

Had a cuppa then packed up and headed back to the old Laverton Road. Lots of thick sections of flowers.

Back a bit to another pending area. Found a track in near some old pushings and went wandering. No joy.

Fran sent some photos of Sophia - she fell asleep whilst holding her bottle and another one sound asleep while Daddy is playing Disk Golf. So beautiful.

Had lunch then headed back to Leonora. Annalise sent a video of Beau standing, holding the side of the couch. He has such strong legs - just like his Daddy. Jon got home today and he sent a photo of him and Beau. Such a bonny boy.

Back up the Nambi Road and in the same track as the first time but we stopped on the pending lease closer to the road. We pulled up and I rang Jon as I couldn’t get the video thing to work. Beau is crawling everywhere so they will look at gates etc to keep him safe with the stairs etc. Jon will be the head driller on the water bore next swing on the BHP Olympic Dam job - congrates to him to achieving his goal.

The predicted hot weather has arrived, 36 degrees in the camper! A bit of cloud cover too.

Sat outside in the shade as there was a nice breeze but you just have to put up with the flies - thank goodness for my fly net and fly swats.

Lovely evening chatting as we cooked our dinner in the camp oven. First time it has been out in a long while. Steve does a good job too and the chicken pieces were cooked just right and the vegies were perfect too. More satellite spotting to entertain us as we chatted around the fire.

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