Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tues, 24th Sept, 2024 Bush camp at Peace Gorge, Meekatharra to Bush camp on pending lease, off the Sandstone/Meekatharra Road, WA

15 degrees min, blue sky with puffy white clouds and a light cool breeze.

Slow start this morning. There is a new sign about Peace Gorge. Imagine getting about with all that gear on.

After a cuppa we headed into town to try and get gas and a few vegies and fruit. The town creek has filled up and there is water across the causeway.

No gas unfortunately and you should see the prices the locals have to pay for fruit and veg!

Called into the Council office where they have a nice museum and library. They have a section of free books for exchange so we took the ones we have read and got a heap more.

When we went back out to the truck the Police had set up a breath-test in the middle of the road so Steve pulled out and blew in the tube then he had to take the tube off so we can dispose of it rather than the Police. He passed of course.

We headed out of town to the turn off onto the gravel Sandstone-Meekatharra Road. The road condition sign said it was open with care so we headed off. There were a few low areas still with water in them but no boggy sections.

Turned onto a truck through the pastoralist’s gate and met a vehicle. His father has a lease further along and he said to go through if we wanted. We were heading back north so we went along the fence-line track then turned towards the pending areas we wanted to check out. Lots of tiny yellow flowers about.

We stopped at the first one and had lunch.

Went for a wander over big lumpy ironstone rocks - no much quartz about but I got a scream and it was a nice little treasure then another scream and it was a bullet! 

Windy gusts are keeping it cooler, 3pm 29 degrees. Had a cuppa then went wandering again but just got exercise and a few bits of rubbish to put in our bin.

Still windy so stayed inside for drinks, cards and dinner with the camper closed up.

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