Thursday 26 March 2015

Tues, 24th Mar, 2015 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

9.9 degrees at 8.30am, 6 degrees outside. Enjoyed having the electric heater to put on. Clearer sky this morning. Went into Deloraine with Steve and Malcolm to pick up some copper pipe etc so Steve can install the gas HWS for Malcolm & Kerry.

Malcolm told us about Mr Freeman who did the chainsaw carving. He only used chainsaws and he a lot of different size ones. He has some photos so will have to check them out. He did a tractor with caterpillar tread for a historical machinery day – took 4 months and the tread even rotated – amazing. It was auctioned for charity at the end of the show.

Pete and Penny texted that they had arrived in Deloraine so after lunch we drove back in to catch up with them. The trees are all starting to change colour which is pretty.

We went around the back way through more farming district. Lovely area. Great afternoon chatting – will keep in touch as they want to go back to Vic to look for more gold and do the deserts too.

In a vegie garden near the house there were more grapes that are a wine grape but very nice to eat. Picked the carrots and the last of the zucchini from here. There was also cabbage and cauliflower.

More huge sunflowers that he grows to feed to his birds.

The sun is out and nice and warming as we went for a walk down to the “vegie paddock” where they have corn, pumpkin and potatoes.  Malcolm & Gus took the 4wheeler.

Dug out some potatoes (like Dutch Creams) that are beautiful mashed as they are already creamy. Learnt all about planting and harvesting potatoes. He also explained how they harvest carrots – amazing engineering on the machinery. Sophie and I had already picked the corn for dinner.

Gus had been digging behind us and something dashed out of the plant – probably a rat – glad I didn’t see it as it went right behind me. Gus dug up some red potatoes.

Lots of room for the pumpkin vine to spread out. Could go some yummy pumpkin soup.

The mare is was a race horse and Malcolm saved her from the butcher so now she lives in peace here.

Malcolm explained the difference with the sheep and lambs he has on the property. The old ‘weathered’ sheep have been knackered and he used them to keep the grass down around the sheds and machinery. The lambs he gets in then fattens up and sells off – they are also good for keep the grass around the fence lines down. He also has a few steers which he sells off. He had a pig that was well fattened and his worker can slaughter them so we are having pork chops for dinner, with fresh carrots, corn and mashed potato – all from the farm.

Delicious dinner with a very yummy dessert Sophie made. Lovely night discussing all kinds of things – they are a lovely family and we are very thankful to have met them.

Lovely clear sky as we head back to the van.

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