Thursday 7 June 2018

Fri, 18th May, 2018 Well 33 CSR, WA (Daniel’s birthday)

My baby boy is 29 – wow the years have flown.

7am 12.8 degrees, wispy clouds across the blue sky and a light breeze. The strong wind stopped about 4am.

Lots of birds tweeting. The galahs have worked out a good way to get a drink of water.

Watched a flock of budgies going around and around then realised they were harassing two small hawks who were hanging around.

8am the wind is back. I worked on my blog while Steve did the washing and pottered about.

A group of 8 Apollo Hire 4WDs arrived so I went over to let them know about the water around Well 25. They were German and had a tour leader who was giving his speech about this well. Not the friendliest chap but the other people seemed keen to come and have a chat but he was keeping them moving. I suppose he is on a time limit and would have lost time with the big detour.

Steve helped Phil repair his awning which had parted company with the roof rack on the corrugations as we headed back here. Strong wind still but the sun is out and it is warm (26 degrees). Clouds are coming over from the south east in a band (front).

I tried ringing Daniel on the satellite phone hoping I would catch him as he finished work but no answer. Sent him a text to wish him a happy day.

Another three vehicles from Sydney pulled in and set up camp near us. They came via the Gary Junction Track from Alice Springs. Three dads and their young sons – boys’ adventure. Steve told them about the boggy conditions heading south and they are considering giving it a go. They have good recovery gear and there are three of them.

Next Army vehicles arrived, a couple are 6 wheel drive so Steve keen to have a look. They set up camp further over. A sergeant in the Reserves came over to tell us about what they are doing and invite us to check out their vehicles. He, other Reserves and a couple of regular Army are on patrol around the Pilbara. They try and find catch people who are smuggling animals to Indonesia etc. It is very bad in the Pilbara region. He told us what to look out for and who to report it to etc. Their company goes across the top of Australia and joins the edge of where our Cairns based 51st Battalion goes to. He will also bring over night vision glasses tonight for us to try. Now that’s what we call ‘inviting people to know more’ – The chap from yesterday needs a lesson in that.

Lovely sunset with the clouds coming across to capture the colours.

We had dinner by the fire again after the wind had settled.

The Sydney guys had a dog, Ivy, who is loves catching the embers as they fly up from the fire. She was so funny. She would sit patiently staring at the fire then dart off to catch one. Took a video of her.

The sergeant came over with his monocular night glass. We moved away from the fire and he said to look at a patch of stars then look through the glass – amazing  - there were many more stars. I said I want one of those – he said sure, if you have a spare $10,000. It was very clear too looking at someone in the dark.

Finished off Phil’s port as we chatted around the fire.

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