Sunday 9 December 2018

Sat, 8th Dec, 2018 10 Mile Outcamp, Tarmoola Station, 60km north of Leonora, WA (hail storm)

6.30am 24 degrees, clear sky and strong ESE wind which is cool.

10am mackerel clouds are coming over and it is only 29 degrees with the nice cool breeze.

Steve made a shelter for the generator from bits and pieces – great place for recycling. I said he will have to put a wall on it too in case the rain blows in.

Shifted the hay trailer to near the water trough and that way they won’t hang around the cottage and poop everywhere!!

There is a new big round plastic water trough in the shed which we reckon will make a great pool for us. Checked with Rob and we are ok to use it as they won’t be putting it in place till next year. Steve cleaned the cottage’s roof then connected a hose from the downpipe so the rainwater can fill the tank. Put heavy weights on the edge of an old tarp to keep it covered and keep the wasps and frogs out of it. We are supposed to get a storm this afternoon so we might get a drop or two. There are to be storms for the next 4 days – well for Leonora according to BOM.

2pm 36 degrees and gusty wind then very still. Steve having fun pottering about fixing things. Had a cuppa on the verandah enjoying the nice cool breeze. Lovely blue sky view from here and I commented that we mustn’t be going to get any rain then we heard a rumble and went around the other side and there is a huge black cloud building to the north. I checked on the BOM site and it was going over Leinster so we figure it would head east and miss us.

The cloud continued to spread to west and east of us. I got the wheelbarrow and removed the cow dung from around the spot where the hay was. Now to train the cows!!

About 4.30pm I heard more rumbles from the storm and saw a couple of lightning strikes. I went to get my camera to try and get a photo of the lightning when I heard a roar. I was in the cottage when the roof started getting pelted with small hail stones. Steve was over with the generator so I ran to the van to close up the windows and vents on the north side then back to the cottage to close the back door. The hail was amazing and the wind was strong so the branches and leaves were being torn off the trees. Our poor Pat was stuck out there – I hope the solar panels survive.

I videoed the hail from the verandah then the wind swung around and it came roaring across from the west and then south. I realised I had left those windows open in the van but luckily Steve got there and closed them up. Next time we see a dark cloud I will close everything straight away. Steve had to run back with a bucket over his head as he was getting pelted that hard. A big clap of thunder came overhead then the storm headed away from us.

Well I can say I almost had a white Christmas!!

A lot of water in a short time makes it look like we are living in a river bed. Luckily we had put some tyres on either side of the big tank to stop it from rolling away.

The track in looks a more like a creek now.

As the storm headed south east the sun came out in the west and created a beautiful rainbow.

I had taken the cover off the ‘pool’ as the hail hit and with the water from the cottage roof it didn’t take long for the pool to fill up. Should be nice and cold with all those hail stones in it.

I walked out further – sliding on the muddy ground to try and get all the rainbow.

Looks like there is pot of gold in the distance that we need to go and find. That rain should fill up the well again so we can fill up the water tank.

Checked the rain gauge inside this cylinder. Full up which is over 25ml and it has overflowed into the drum. I should have measured that too Steve said, after I tipped it out. I reckon there was probably another 5ml. That’s a good bit of rain to fall in half an hour.

The sun is shining now and the birds and frogs are very happy. Heard some cows moan – bet they didn’t think it was very nice. I got out the rake to clean off the broken branches and seeds from the tree beside us and pulled back our mat as the ground is just a pool under the awning. Will have to put some gravel down there tomorrow.

More black clouds coming from the north so we got everything tidied up ready for the next storm. The generator went off in the rain so Steve sorted it out. I had unplugged the wifi, laptop etc just in case. The phone was still working so sent texts to Kym and Rob to let them know about the storm. Will send them some photos tomorrow.

The black clouds came over about 7pm and brought light drizzly rain which was nice. There was a lovely cool breeze too after the rain stopped. Will check the rain gauge tomorrow. Played cards tonight – had to finish the 3 to Kings game we started in Sandstone – Steve was winning half way through it. In the end he lost by 2 points. He won the next game so that was good.

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