Monday 14 January 2019

Sun, 13th Jan, 2019 10 Mile Outcamp, Tarmoola Station, 60km north of Leonora, WA

Very hot, sticky night. The storm didn’t bring any rain. Didn’t sleep too well.

8am 35 degrees, breeze from the north, high thin cloud.

Kym said to come down there to play games and have dinner in the air con since it was going to be such a hot day and Rob was arriving today so we can meet him there.

Rang Bob for his birthday as I forgot to mention it yesterday. He thought his birthday was on Tuesday – must be looking at last year’s calendar.

The wind has gotten stronger and hotter. Even the birds are trying to keep cool by the cottage. Steve felt bad for them so he filled up an old lid to make them a bird bath.

The flies have moved in too, hanging around the bottom of the screen doors. Steve made up another fly trap using a mayonnaise jar and we poured in a bit of the smelly water from the dead flies in the other one. Will have to empty some of the dead flies out soon as it is starting to really pong.

I worked on my jigsaw after I moved it into the lounge room onto the white table. Where I had it there was too much flow through the cottage and it was blowing the pieces off the table.

Had lunch in the van as the flies are very bad then a cool off dip in the pool.

Packed up our stuff and headed down to the homestead. Rob had arrived but was having a snooze as he drove through the night to get here. We played Sequence – sad to say the boys won 5 games to 1. Showed Kym and Glen how to play 3 to Kings.

A storm is building up and the wind has gotten very strong. Glen had dug up the ground near the homestead to put in an orchard so it was a dust storm outside. We were fine inside with the air conditioning. Unfortunately the air cond decided it had enough of the hot air outside too and packed it in.

Met Rob and chatted about what we have been up to at 10 Mile and what plans he has for there.

Helped Kym with dinner, lovely chinese chicken and vegies and fried rice. We sat outside as the storm passed over with a few flashes of lightning, a rumble or two and a few drops of rain. Not enough to register in the rain gauge. The wind stopped then so it was quite pleasant. Lovely full rainbow as the storm headed south east.

Had apple sour for dessert and homemade icecream. Need to stop eating all these yummies – weigh in day tomorrow, reckon it won’t be good!!

Home to the van by 9pm, 37 degrees. A bit of dust in the van and we had a few drops of rain here too. Steve got the esky cooler full of frozen water bottles and connected it to the battery so we had nice cool air blowing on us while we had our cuppas and watched some TV. Will leave it run through the night blowing on us in bed so hopefully we will have a better night’s sleep.

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