Friday 2 August 2019

Wed, 31st July, 2019 Bush camp near Mosquito Creek, east of Nullagine to Bush camp near Running Waters Waterhole, 100km east of Nullagine, WA

7.30am 17 degrees, clear sky and the strong wind is still blowing. Dave and Max tooted as they drove by.

We packed up then said farewell to Pauline.

Headed back down to the road to intersection then turned east towards Woodie Woodie Mine. Stopped at a lease we had permission to detect on but we couldn’t find anywhere suitable to park the van so we continued on. The next lease was further south but we couldn’t find any tracks leading down to it through the hills. Unless there was an existing mine or exploration work going on it is hard to get access as the country is so rugged.

Flat topped hills appear as we near Running Waters Waterhole. It is a spring fed waterhole which is part of the Oakover River. I originally thought it was Davis Creek but that feeds into the Oakover. We discovered it 3 years ago so thought we would like to spend a day or two here relaxing.

It is a very bumpy and windy track down to the waterhole and the hills have been burnt so it looks so barren compared to the bright green strip of the waterhole area.

There is an open area big enough for our van but back from the waterhole. We parked up the van there as the track to the waterhole is very narrow and rugged. Ok for 4WD but not a caravan.

We walked down to the waterhole – still as beautiful. Such a wonderful surprise when you look at the barren countryside.

A few fish swam up hoping for something to eat I suppose.

A chap swam by and he got out for a chat. Sander, is from the Netherlands and this is his 3rd trip to Australia. This time he is touring on his motorbike and having a wonderful time. Another couple from Perth stopped by for a chat too. They came here last year on their way back from Kununurra so they decided this year to come and stay for a while – so far they have been here a week.

We walked back to the van for lunch then changed into our togs and drove back down to the waterhole to spend the afternoon relaxing and swimming. The strong wind has settled.

The water temperature is perfect and it is so clear. It must be amazing to see this area when it is flood as the debris is wide spread and quite high up in the trees.

Chatted with another couple from Perth, all escaping the cold wet weather down there.

Drove back to the van for drinks and a few games of cards till dinner. Lots of cattle wandering around the area in the long grass. Lovely listening to all the birds too.

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