Tuesday 17 May 2022

Tues, 10th May, 2022 Bush camp by Edith River, north of Katherine, NT

Not as cool this morning - only 20 degrees.

Got the washing machine out and wash day commenced using the creek water.

The other couple left for Litchfield NP - hope they have a covid free cruise.

Jon left for Lawn Hill this morning - he texted saying he had met a couple of the blokes and they were nice.

Washing done and drying in the hot sun - 11 am 30 degrees.

Another couple with a van pulled in but stayed up the top as they were unhooking to drive into Edith Falls for a look and will be back this afternoon.

More campers came as the day went on but there is plenty of room about the area - just not beside the water like our spot is. One camper trailer went across the old bridge and we heard them on the other side a bit further down where a big rock comes out into the river.

We went for a walk and chatted with the couple after their visit to Edith Falls - lovely. Unfortunately they came back to a flat tyre on their caravan so had just changed it over as they didn’t have any tyre plugs. Steve offered them some but they will got back to Katherine and get a new tyre instead. We followed another track which goes over the rocky ground towards the main road and found a nice wide water area and a narrow rapid and deeper pool. The station nearby has they pump in there and it was going madly sucking up the water. Chatted with the couple and their huge dog - from Bunbury, WA.

Jon rang. Very bumpy flight as it is stormy as it has been raining there for the last few days. All good so far but they couldn’t get to the mine site as it is flooded. He has tried out the gym available for them so he is happy. I had messaged Annalise yesterday and she is good too as her Mum will be coming in tonight which is great.

7pm Steve got the fire going and spotted the Space Station. I got my app and it showed up on there too.

Had dinner outside then looked for the Space Station and it was on the other side of the world.


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