Friday 22 November 2019

Thurs, 21st Nov, 2019 Galena Bridge Rest Area, Galena (east of Kalbarri National Park) to Roadside Rest Stop, 15km south of Overlander Roadhouse, WA (Jodie’s birthday)

6am 17 degrees – we had left the bedspread on last night. Wind blew all night.

7am up to 18 degrees and the wind is still blowing. Lovely clear blue sky.

Sent a text off to Jodie for her birthday and to see how she is after having the flu. She replied that she is slowly getting better and will let us know when they move to Mt Isa etc.

Continued north through scrubby country. Spotted some goats as we neared Billabong Roadhouse. I had checked on the Fuel App and noticed there were two prices, 156.9 and 148.9 for diesel. I thought the cheaper one must have been a 24 hour bowser but when we pulled in there were two service stations. This one is the original, established in 1962.

The chap at the bowser had the 6 wheel truck that Steve wants to build so I asked if I could take a photo. Steve wasn’t sure about his back tray though – looks bent.

I left them chatting as he topped up the tank and went inside to pay. Chatted with the assistant who has only been working here 3 weeks but he was very helpful. He said as they are an independent servo they always have the lower price for fuel and it is quite interesting watching the cars pull into the Shell one, check the price then drive around to them. The owner, Jaques came out and when I said we needed to find somewhere to leave the van while we explore in our truck he gave me his number and said we could leave it at his other service station in Denham. How’s that for country hospitality. And they have free overnight camp area too.

Shark Bay information.

We continued on as it still early. We pulled off into the last roadside rest area before the turn off into Shark Bay and parked further into the bush near the station’s fence line. Still very windy but it is a lot warmer here away from the coast.

Had lunch, 34.2 degrees at 1pm.

I wrote up my blog then we played Skipbo till smoko. Warming up to 37 degrees.

Played a game of 3 to Kings over drinks then the wind swung around and buffeted the awning.

Cooled off after the sun set which I caught through the trees.

Closed the windows and had dinner while watching a movie with Robert Redford, looking old. He was alone on a yacht and it was hit by a floating shipping container and it was about him surviving. I think he only said 2 sentences in the whole thing – we gave up half way through and fast forwarded to the end. His yacht had sunk and he was in a life raft which caught on fire when he tried to signal a boat by burning paper in a plastic container. It finished with him sinking into the ocean then he saw the boat arrive and he swam up. The last bit was him reaching up and a hand grabbing his. Not one of his greatest ones.

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