Monday 12 March 2018

Sat, 10th Mar, 2018 Lake Ballard, near Menzies to bush camp, near 45 Mile Well, WA (Lake Ballard art)

Wind picked up about 2am that I had to close windows and doors etc.

7am 22.8 degrees, clear sky and still blowing. Emma’s birthday today but I have no phone reception here so will have to text her later.

Margaret was first out onto the lake to check out the ‘art works’. Don’t think she is too impressed!!

We walked out towards one of the ‘art’ pieces in our thongs but it wasn’t long before we were sliding so took them off and continued carefully in bare feet. As you cracked the surface the wet red clay oozed up between our toes. Made our own ‘footprints in the “mud”’ instead of sand.

The salt crystals looked like they were growing like little blades of grass.

Out to the first ‘female’. Not the most flattering artwork!!

Margaret had made it to the island hill and was making her way to the top – in bare feet as she left her thongs back at the edge of the lake – ouch.

Steve did his standard pose – hand on a boob!! I said hold her hand instead for a change!!

The wind is still gusty so off went his hat – needs a chin strap.

He tried it on the next lady!!

Then we headed towards the island to climb the hill – we have our thongs with us.

Looking back to our camp.

We had noticed little rocks as we walked up to the island and as we climbed and looked down those rocks became names.

Up the top – lovely view. Took a 360 degrees video.

Steve spotted a rock graffiti that someone had spent a lot of time on.

Zoomed in on another piece of ‘art’ and some more disappearing into the water as the lake goes further east.

Headed back down – amazing where some trees can survive.

Slid our way across to another ‘art piece’ – the man this time so it was my time to pose. I’m not touching that thing!!

The low sun makes a great shadow photo.

More art pieces heading in another direction.

Plenty of water in the big tank so took a bucket and towel and washed our very muddy feet. Had an early cuppa than headed off. Didn’t go far when I saw the Snake Hill Lookout sign so we drove up for a look. The shelter was built using prisoners who are paying their debt back to society – what a great idea. All these jobs should be down by prisoners so they can learn skills and respect so maybe they won’t be so keen to be in jail again. Bit of information and another great view of the lake.

Continued up the road to 45 Mile Well area near a big outstation camp on the corner of the Sandstone and Mt Ida Roads. Found a track into a clearing with some shady trees to park the vans beside.

No phone reception here either so there mustn’t be any good mines around here.

Went for a wander with our detectors but no joy – mainly ‘hot’ ironstone rocks and some bullets and wire.

After lunch I did some blogging and read while Steve went out for another wander. He has a Garmin GPS which he puts the co-ordinates in of the lease corners so he doesn’t get lost. Bob & Margaret have one too so they are all safe. I try to stay where I can see the van.

The nice breeze got windier so we rolled in our awnings – we know how it goes out here and if you leave it too long then it is a problem to roll them in as the wind just gets stronger and bigger gusts.

The wind continued bringing some clouds from the north but by dinner time we could see the stars and satellites again. We shared one tub of our icecream with Bob and Margaret as their freezer was struggling to keep it solid.

The wind got chillier so we went inside for a warm shower and closed up the van from the wind.

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