Tuesday 20 March 2018

Sun 18th Mar, 2018 Malcolm Dam, near Leonora, WA

1am the wind got very strong and gusty from the southwest and it was cold so I had to close up the van and bring in the windchime which was making a racket. Pulled up the blanket!!

7.30am 17 degrees – what a change from the other day.

Bob and Margaret headed off back to Mandurah. We have had such fun with them and are very grateful for allowing us to stay with them all this time. It has been a great help. Will see them in Cairns in August for the trip through Cape York.

Sent Jodie from Tuckshop a message for her birthday.

Rang Rick for a chat – Kaylene was out walking.

We went for a drive to check out Webster’s Mine pending area and then a few more spots around the area. Found another newly dozed road near Webster’s with a sign KIN and followed that to where they are setting up a new camp. Steve chatted with one of the contractors and found out how to pass through their area. He said they are in the process of getting that big new road we saw turned into a haul road so there won’t be any public access on it then. The workers communicate via Channel 11 so we listened in to the trucks bringing in dirt to make the foundations for the new processing plant. Two big buildings had been erected already and lots of machinery around. It was very interesting to listen to them chat with lots of Please and Thank You when requesting dirt or water etc. Such a difference to the foul mouths of some of the truck drivers we hear on the highways.

Continued on and had lunch under a tree (with the flies) near an abandoned windmill and tank. Must have been a house/shed here too as there is a nice pink couch!!

Back to the van at 4pm, only 27 degrees and the van was closed up!.

Another lovely sunset as the clouds had come over from the west.

Got a text from Margaret – Bob had kept pushing on and they had reached Meckering after going via Kalgoorlie on the highway – big drive!! We laughed as he had said he would just plod his way home like a horse but Margaret said he is a camel (takes big strides and doesn’t stop for a drink). He often says he is called ET because once turned that way he just wants to get home!!

Cooler evening by the fire and only a couple of satellites.


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