Friday 27 May 2016

Thurs, 26th May, 2016 ‘Belly Plate Camp’, near Goodin Mine, 93km NE of Meekatharra, WA (My gold nuglet)

Got up at 6.45am and just missed the sun rising. Still was a nice photo.

A band of dark cloud hangs on the horizon. 7.30am 18.6 degrees with no wind.

By the time we had breakfast the clouds were coming over us though there is still no wind.

Jeff & Lyn headed off to his calcrete area to detect. Steve went back to his patch. I worked on my family tree photos then went for my walk. Nearly went back for my jumper as the wind has come up and it was biting cold. I finished off by walking to Steve’s patch to have a cuppa with him.

He had one nuglet in his jar and had 4 more targets ready to dig. I got to dig out the dirt and wave the scoop over the detector till I got down to the nuglet. My first bit of WA gold I got out of the dirt myself. We then did the other 3, all producing little nuglets. They all add up in the end.

Had a cuppa then I sent him back to work and I walked back to the van. Cranked up the CD player with some Meat Loaf and got working on my laptop again as the sun is back out and charging the batteries.

Steve back with only one more nuglet from his patch. Jeff and Lyn came back with a few more better sized nuglets so they were happy.

The boys went back to work again while Lyn and I chatted, collected firewood etc. Steve decided to rest his patch and went off to check out where some drill holes were. After a few bits of drill bits he got a nice nuglet which spurred him on and he found another two. Total for today 1.2 grams (9 pieces).

Jeff came back with a few more better pieces so he had a good 5 grams for today.

Sky was clear as the sun was setting but there were mackerel clouds coming over. The few stars soon disappeared though and the wind got colder. Got out the dishes and showed Jeff and Lyn how to warm their ‘lovelies’.

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