Monday 1 August 2016

Thurs, 21st July, 2016 Bush camp, Mosquito Creek Goldfields, NE of Nullagine, WA

7am 20 degrees – a lovely warmer night though we were still under our blanket but I got straight into my shorts and shirt to go detecting. Clear and sunny again and a light breeze.

Back to the creek area to work it over. I made money but not with gold – I found a 5 cent piece!! The birdwatching chap came by and stopped for a chat.

Steve came back goldless too for smoko. I decided to work on my laptop so he headed off again.

I heard a 4-wheeler approaching on the road but he went on by our camp. Steve met him further down the road and got chatting. He showed him a 3 ½ ounce nugget he found then having decided Steve was worthy he started digging in his backpack. He started to panic when he couldn’t find what he was looking for but at last pulled out a plastic bag with the other half of the nugget, it weighed 4 ounces. He found them about 8 foot apart and they clearly look like they were once one nugget but was broken years ago when it was pushed to the surface. He has an older detector and has only found one other nugget, 15 gram but if that is all you find and it is over 7 ounces we would be happy!! He drags a detecting coin behind his 4-wheeler and his advice to Steve was to just work the gullies for the bigger nuggets – there nothing on the hillsides. Small stuff on the flats, his wife has a 2300 so they obviously get the smaller nuggets with that. There were 3 guys camped where we are till the other day and they had got 9 ounces from around here – it’s the same wherever you go – “you should have been here last week!” Oh well, nobody gets it all or else people wouldn’t keep coming back.

The boys headed over to another area in the car and I wandered over onto the flats after lunch. Was getting bored after digging a couple of bits of rubbish, one was a little tack, then I got a nice signal and up came a lovely little nuglet. I started gridding the area then I found another one nearby, then another beside that, they both were attached to rocks. Got two more signals close by so left them to get the boys to try their detectors over them. I continued to grid and got another loud signal. Continued working but didn’t get any more targets and as the sun was starting to set I dug up the last one. Well actually I scraped the top and the target moved. After shifting the dirt around I realised it was a rock sitting on top. Had a bit of gold on one end.

The boys came back so I waved them over and Steve tried his detector. He could pick up one signal but agreed he would probably have passed them over. I dug it out and it was smaller than the others and the last one was the smallest of the lot. Steve took a photo as I was very proud of finding my own area. I piled rocks where I had found the targets – Steve taught me to do that so I can see if there is a pattern etc.

After my excitement I asked how they went – Steve got one little nuglet but Jeff scored well finding an area of creek the others had missed and he got 12 nuggets that made his total very nice.

Back to the van for weigh-in. The 5 nuglets came to 1.79 grams as well as I have the 3 specimen pieces which we will dissolve the rocks later to get the gold out of them.

Steve was 0.39 grams.

Lovely warm evening – left the windows open in the van, 25 degrees.

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