Wednesday 17 August 2016

Tues, 16th August, 2016 Bush camp, near Marble Bar to Bush camp, 50km N of Nullagine, WA (2 years on road)

6.30am 21.3 degrees and a beautiful sunrise to greet our two year travelling anniversary. We are both still loving this lifestyle and love our van and all the amazing people we meet and places we see.

Put our t-shirts on and Jeff took our photos to mark the occasion.

Packed up and headed back down towards Nullagine to where Jeff found a few nuggets the other day when he went looking for the spot he was told about by others at Mosquito Creek.

We had the windows down (as usual) and I head a hiss noise and thought it was coming from the front. Steve said it isn’t a tyre and I said the front was fine. Then I looked back and the back one wasn’t. Our turn for a flat tyre. Pulled off the road and Steve got to work plugging it. Luckily we were off the road as a big road train rumbled by. Another 4WD pulled up to check we were ok. Jeff realised we weren’t behind anymore and came back to find us.

Back on the road and we turned east just past Underwood Well – sent Louis a text.

Drove through lots of bull dust to Trig Well. Jeff had tried to fix the pipe when he was here as it had come off and no water was pumping into the tank for the cattle trough. Someone has pulled it off again and the cattle had no water except some sloppy mud which they were mushing in trying to get a drink. The boys got the pipe back on and taped it up but there was no wind to turn the windmill and pump up the water.

We had a cuppa while checking out all the core samples dumped nearby and discussing how we can help the cattle.

We could see the water down the well so decided to drop down a hose and try and pump it up with our spare water pump.

After a few attempts with hose lengths then tying a rope on the pump and dropping it further down the well we eventually had water going into the trough – albeit very slowly. A couple stopped to chat (they are camped near where we are heading). They said they had rung the pastoralist to say the hose was broken and when we said we had fixed it and were pumping up some water, they asked for some, but it is too slow to fill for them. She said they were there yesterday and the water was pouring out everywhere so she put a sheet of iron so it could flow down on the ground instead of back into the well – they could have reconnected the pipe too!! They were probably the culprits in breaking the hose connection as they said they took it off the top of the tank and twisted it down to fill up their drums, hence putting pressure on the connection – some people just don’t think!! They also said there were about 8 vans in here and they were all moved on because they didn’t have 40Es for the exploration area and some were camped on the actual mining leases. It is the same pastoral lease as Mosquito Creek so maybe he kicked up a stink hence the mining department coming down there too and moving people on (before we got there). They left to find another well 17km up.

The birds were enjoying the muddy pools.

Jeff was cooling off under the tree.

Eventually the trough started to fill and a few cows came closer. One slowly inched its way over keeping a close eye on us. It drank for quite a long time before the next one approached.

Then the wind blew and the windmill started to turn (of course you can’t see that in the picture!!) and pump up some water but only a couple of pumps unfortunately.

Other cattle started to wander in for a drink. Unfortunately the pump wasn’t keeping up with their big thirsts. Steve and Jeff watched on from under the shady tree.

A good strong wind started and water started going into the tank but it will take a few hours of pumping to fill it up enough to get it to flow into the trough. I took a video.

We did our best so hopefully the wind will keep blowing and fill up the tank. We packed up and continued on past a mining lease. A big dry blower.

A few open shafts were along the road. This one had a little stone cottage beside it but not much remains of it now.

We stopped where the others were camped and chatted again. They suggested driving further along the track to camp or offered for us to park there with them. They are on the edge of a mining lease (owned by the guy with the dry blower back down the road) so we drove through the lease and pulled up where we thought they said. I got online and checked it out on Tengraph and we were in his lease so we made lunch then headed back. When we got to where they were camped they had gone. They did say they were moving tomorrow but must have decided to head off earlier. We pulled into their camp spot and set up.

They had got some gold from the flats around the camp area so we headed off with our detectors about 4pm when it was a bit cooler. I was the only winner with a little nuglet.

As it is so flat on this side (the hills on to the east) I got some lovely sunset photos.

Steve got the fire going and we had late drinks in the cool of the evening. Got all the windows and vents open now!! Steve cooked the steaks using the lid of the camp oven in the fire and I did up some vegies so a quick and easy dinner. Enjoyed our outdoor shower till the cool breeze blew!!

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