Tuesday 6 November 2018

Sun, 28th Oct, 2018 Pastoral Station, 60km north of Sandstone,WA

6.30am 22 degrees, light breeze and clear sky. Even though we are protected from the sunrise it is light very early. Heard the rooster early this morning but the chicken run is a far distance away so it wasn’t disturbing.

Sundays are Kayla’s pancake morning so we joined them for pancakes.

I went with Kayla to feed the chooks the scraps and collect the eggs then leave the door open so they can free range. The new rooster seems to have upset the chooks as they aren’t laying as many eggs at the moment.

The horses wandered by then went back into the bush after having a drink and some grain.

Lance took us for a drive to some of the water points, yards and some of the old buildings etc and pointed out where people have been camped while they prospect.

Back home for lunch, 32 degrees at 1pm, but it is still and cloudy now.

Got another day completed on my blog so hopefully I can upload it using Joy’s wifi as I can’t get good Telstra signal here.

I pot a roast in my Ecopot – I missed it on our trip.

Had a cool off with Kayla in the spa – very cold but perfect once you get under.

Played tea parties and then a big of Barbie dolls for a while.

I brought up my laptop to the house and tried uploading – very slow but I got one day done. Joy says they are near the end of the month for internet allocation so that could be making it slower too.

Steve took the aerial off the truck and he and Lance put it on a big pole and moved it around the van till they got a better phone signal for us.

Drinks at the house then back to the van for dinner. I am going to water the plants around the van as Joy has plenty to water around their home.

Rang Mum and Dad for a chat and update them on what we are doing. Sent the boy and Erica texts too and the station’s home phone number in case they can’t get through to us.

Warmer evening though there is still a nice breeze.


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