Sunday 11 November 2018

Thurs, 8th Nov, 2018 Pastoral Station, 60km north of Sandstone, WA

7.30am 21 degrees, cloudy.

Did my normal chores – chooks and horse poo.

Steve started the generator so I could do my washing using Kylie’s front loader in the house as I wanted to do the sheets, towels etc. Gave the van a clean too.

Steve went off and checked the water points and put out some hay and grain for the cattle.

The sky has cleared and the wind is blowing well so the washing is drying quickly. Steve whizzed down on the 4wheeler to the house bore to turn on the pump to top up the house tank.

34 degrees in the van while we had lunch so got out the fan again. The cold snap is over!

Played a few games of Rummyking. Steve won 2 to 1.

Pottered about in the afternoon. Steve secured an old windlass that Kylie had hanging but one of the handles had pulled out and she was worried it might fall. He found old chain to keep the authentic look. They have heaps of old bits and pieces they have collected hanging off the fence and there is plenty more to hang up near the two old cars Lance collected from the old township of Barrambie near the mining area further north on the property.

Watered all the garden – takes a while.

Had drinks watching one of the many 4x4 DVDs that Daniel got for us from a school fete he and Fran attended. I enjoy watching them but glad not to do anything like their extreme 4 wheel driving!!

Warmer evening with lots of bugs and moths about so must be more rain coming. Steve hung a portable LED in the tree to draw them away from the van.

I said we should be sitting outside to enjoy the stars as we haven’t since we came back to the van. As I went up to put the portable phone on charge I spotted a satellite whiz across the sky.


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