Wednesday 7 September 2016

Sat, 3rd Sept, 2016 Carawine Gorge to Bush camp near Granite Hills Well, 45km E of Nullagine, WA

7am 21 degrees, clear sky and a light breeze. Beautiful colour on the gorge wall as the sun rose.

Bob and Margaret called in to give us their address and offer to park our van there when we fly home. Will catch up with them then as they are heading to Marble Bar.

We headed back out to the bitumen then headed down the road a bit to check out the Upper Carawine Gorge. Turned down the track which wasn’t as good as the other dirt road. The road was ok for a while but then there was a bit of a curve in the road and the next bit was just soft soil and that was the end of us going any further. Oops. I sat quietly while Steve figured out what to do next. He let down the tyres and I shovelled out some dirt so he could put in the rubber mats for the tyres to grip onto.

Steve reversed and we were free. Now to turn around. All good so we headed back out towards the main road.

We unhooked the van and headed back down the track to find the gorge. Across flat open area then into the hills. Holey caves in the hills.

Trees are amazing where they can grow.

Into a creek and someone has carved their names in a tree trunk.

Across the Oakover River and it even had some water.

Interesting hills and we spotted about 10 pelicans souring high above us.

Following the track on the Hema which goes all the way down to Skull Springs Road where we will end up but following the bitumen instead. We found a track (not on the Hema) that headed towards the Gorge marking on the Hema.

Ended up near the river so parked and walked over the rocks till we found some water.

The water is so clear and we found 3 catfish – shame it wasn’t barra.

Lots of agate looking rocks.

No track to the gorge but I think it might be over there where we can see to hills meeting.

Back to the van for some lunch. The wind is whipping up the dirt around us – oh dear so much for the clean van!! Back on the road, passing the Two Sisters – I won’t say what Steve thought they looked like!!

Steve said ‘Dingo’ and I managed to get the camera out and turned on just as we passed it. It was checking out a cow carcass.

Spotted a couple of mobile irrigators which seemed so strange out here in the bush. Then we saw the sign for Warrawagine Cattle Co which is Pilbara Hinterland Agricultural Development Initiative (Woodie Woodie Pilot Site), a WA Government Program and is funded by Royalties for Regions. Will have to Google it to find out what they are using the irrigators for.

On the other side of the road the hills became tailing dumps for the mine. Woodie Woodie Mine is nearby – no entry sign at the end of the bitumen so we have to turn right onto the dirt road, called Skull Springs Road which will take us to Nullagine. It is good that the mining companies are around as the roads are lovely and wide and we have timed it well as it must have just been graded.

Using our mud map from the Nullagine Shop which said to look for a kangaroo sculpture near the turn off to Running Waters Pool. It was up very high and you needed a zoom lens to see it clearly.

Followed the road up and down the hills and eventually came to a clearing under some gums. Two camper trailers were parked there. We parked and followed the very rough track down to the water – won’t be taking the van down there.

We could hear voices as we got nearer and then saw a few camper trailers in the bush. Walked towards one and it turned out to be Steve and his wife (forgot her name) that were camped beside us at Carawine Gorge. They had a beautiful spot right on the water’s edge.

Chatted with them for a while – they had a bad bogging experience today too, they disappeared into a big bulldust hole and took 2 hours to get out. He doesn’t like letting down his tyres. They said the water here is lovely temperature and that it bubbles out of the ground further up.

Walked up to the end to check it out.

Looking back down the pool. 

The two couples who were in the campers back where we parked the van were there with their canoe and offered it to us. We declined as we needed to get going but ended up chatting with them for a while. One couple were from Port Hedland and the other couple have a winery at Margaret River. Will look them up when we get there.

Followed the creek and found where the water was bubbling out. Whether it is a spring or just the river going underground we aren’t sure. This is the Davis River. Lovely and clear – of course you can’t see the water bubbling in a photo!!

Walked back to the van and made a cuppa. Steve noticed one of the campers had a leaky shocky so I left our card with a note about it.

Back on the road again. This is still Warrawagine Station and they have just finished mustering. They were picking up the mobile yards. The modern times of mustering – bull catcher truck and a helicopter.

Crossed over dry Cooke’s Creek. Skull Springs Road turns off here and heads up through Lindon Goldfields but it obviously isn’t used anymore now the mining companies have put in another road. Turned around and continued along the better road. Passed the turn off to Mosquito Creek as the sun was getting ready to disappear behind the hills. Pulled into the camp area next to the hand-pumped bore by a creek. Steve noticed one of the back tyres on the track going down but he decided to deal with it tomorrow.

While Steve got the fire going I rang Mum and Dad for a chat since we haven’t had phone service for a while. Mum put me straight onto Dad and I asked why – Father’s Day tomorrow!! Well aren’t I a good girl for ringing – even if I hadn’t remembered yet!!

Lovely evening by the fire. I had asked Dad about the evening star – Venus is the bigger one (up top) and Jupiter below it – looks great with the slither of the moon.

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