Friday 30 September 2016

Thurs, 29th Sept, 2016 Bush camp at Ruby Well Find Mine to Peace Gorge, Meekatharra, WA

7.30am 14 degrees and a cool breeze though the sun is warming quickly. Packed up and headed towards Meekatharra.

Got some water, fuel and gas then drove out to Peace Gorge so we could do our washing. Mr Goanna was there to greet us.

Set up camp then I got the washing going then cleaned inside. Steve used the extra water to wash the truck and van. Windy so it didn’t take long to get things dry.

Even though we are now in spring we are heading south to colder temperature so pulled out the flannelette sheets again!!

More campers came in so we went for a walk as the sun was setting to see where they were all camped. One chap said the van park is closed to vans and campers.  I did see a small notice on the fence – maybe they are getting around to fixing up the terrible power and water connections!! A lot of campers are heading to races further north on a station. Meeka had their races and festival last weekend.

Temperature dropped a lot as we chatted so headed back to get our fire going to warm up the water for our showers. Closed up the van as the breeze was very nippy!!

Got TV reception so enjoyed watching something different even though we had to put up with the adds.

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